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Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany

70 years of the Basic Law: This campaign celebrates our values - Business Punk*

DSI is a foundation championing integration in Germany. For the 70th anniversary of the German constitution, they wanted to do a campaign celebrating a diverse and inclusive society. The idea was to link each article of the constitution to a German with migration background. For example Margot Friedländer, an Holocaust survivor, stands for article 1: “Human dignity is inviolable”; or Zeina Nassar, the athlete who changed the rules of the Boxing Federation to be able to fight wearing an hijab, stands for article 3: “The undisturbed practice of religion shall be guaranteed”.

Director: I AM HERE
Production: Iconoclast
Agency: Antoni Berlin
Creative Director: Alice Bottaro,  Damon Aval
Art director: Tomic Lee, Matthias Bauer
Copywriter: Marc Bieri


